Preaching to Imprisoned Spirits (1 Pet 3:19)

Some biblical texts have caused much dismay within the Christian community. For a small group of texts this concern can be seen throughout Christian history. One verse that fits this description is 1 Peter 3:19. I will quote it in its context: 18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you … Read more

Suffering and Glory in 1 Peter

Peter is one of the most important characters in the New Testament. After Jesus and Paul, his name is mentioned more than anyone else’s. Born Simon son of John, Jesus changed his name to Cephas, which means “rock” in Aramaic. In Greek Cephas is Petros or Peter in English (John 1:42). In addition to being … Read more

Christ’s Descent to Hades? Reflecting on 1 Peter 3:18-20

I’m upset. How could I have been reading the Bible for so long and missed something so obvious? I think I know how. I read Protestant commentaries. Some of those commentaries are especially good at listing various interpretations of a passage but never coming to a decisive conclusion. The passage I’m talking about is 1 … Read more

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