Scripture, Science, and Crazy Copernicus: The Challenge of Interpreting Scripture and Science

The peril of interpreting Scripture is misinterpretation. And misinterpreting Scripture has happened all too often in the history of Christianity. For example, for hundreds of years, the Church believed in a geocentric or earth-centered universe because it seemed to be the clear teaching of Scripture. But five hundred years ago, an astronomer disagreed. Copernicus Revolts … Read more

The Apostle Paul’s Income and What It Means for Today

Nick Karvounis 156112

*This is a long post (over 18,000 words) so I have converted it into a book, which you can purchase here.   ————————————- Chapter 1: Questions I’m usually not bothered by other people’s income, but the apostle Paul’s finances have caused me great angst. The man who traveled extensively throughout the Roman world, preaching and teaching, … Read more

Are Christians Required to Tithe?

The word tithe, meaning “tenth,” is not used much in English. To tithe is to give a tenth of one’s income. In addition to freewill and sacrificial offerings, tithing was another form of giving in ancient Israel. Tithing, however, was distinct because it was a required percentage. Since tithing has become a common Christian teaching … Read more

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