Lesson 1: Learning to Observe (Mark 1:1-8)

What are you especially good at noticing? People, places, details in a movie, etc. Great artists, great detectives, and great thinkers are all great observers. They see things that others don’t see. For example, Monet painted the same church building more than 30 times attempting to catch the changing light that he meticulously observed. And … Read more

Confucianism: Basic Concepts

Confucius Confucianism started with Confucius (551-479 BCE) who lived in ancient China. In Chinese, Confucius is called Kongfuzi or Kongzi. Here are five key facts about Confucius: Problem of his day was social anarchy His goal was to reform society Worked as a government official but grew frustrated and left Traveled and taught lessons from … Read more

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