The Pseudepigrapha

The word pseudepigrapha means “falsely attributed” so technically the Pseudepigrapha are ancient Jewish books that bear the name of an author who didn’t actually compose them. Entitling a work after the name of a famous person was a common practice in the ancient Near East. The Pseudepigrapha date from around 300 B.C. to A.D. 300. … Read more

An Apocrypha Overview

Christianity is composed of three major branches: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant. Each branch has the same 66 books in their Bibles. In comparison with most Protestant Bibles, however, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Bibles have additional books. The LXX The extra books come from the first major translation of the Bible called the … Read more

In the Beginning: Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). I’ve always read that as a summary statement for the rest of Genesis 1. In that way, the book of Genesis opens with a concise statement of what God did in the beginning and then proceeds to fill in the details with the … Read more

Lesson 4: Jesus’ Message and Authority (Mark 1:14-45)

In Lesson 1 we learned the basic skill of observation. In this lesson we’ll practice that skill with a longer section of Mark. Identify the repetition in Mark 1:14-45 by highlighting the same word/concept (or variations of the same word/concept) in the same way each time you see it. For example, if you see the … Read more

Lesson 3: Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation (Mark 1:9-13)

Have your parents ever made you go through a difficult/painful experience? When? Why? In this passage, God the Father expresses his love for his Son but he sends his Son into a difficult experience. Read Mark 1:9-13 then make a list of questions you have about those verses. Jesus’ Baptism What does Jesus’ baptism show … Read more

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