What is God Like?

Imagine a house with a large window that provides a direct view of majestic mountains. Can you see the mountains from other windows in the house? Yes, but the other windows are smaller, perhaps dirtier, and don’t give a direct view. If you want the best view from inside the house, go to the crystal … Read more

Looking for “Hell” in the Bible

Is “hell” in the Bible? In this post, I will seek to answer that question by doing a keyword search for the word hell. I know word searches have their limitations because concepts can be conveyed with more than one word. But word searches still have value, especially as a starting point for further research. … Read more

The Uniqueness of the Bible

Most religions have holy books or sacred Scriptures. In light of the many sacred texts, what’s unique about the Bible? Here are a few of my initial answers to that question. The Bible is unique because: It is the record of God’s enduring relationship to a specific people group spanning about two millennia. It shows … Read more

Christian Universalism

Do all roads lead to the same place? In the end, will everyone be saved? I’ve written one blog post on the view known as annihilationism or conditionalism, which asserts that after being justly punished, some will cease to exist. In this post I will explain the view called universalism, and in particular Christian universalism. … Read more

A Lesson on Genesis 1:6-8

Genesis 1 contains many challenging ideas but verses 6-8 pose a special challenge. 6 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” 7 So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the vault “sky.” … Read more

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