A Foreigner with a Huge Hand

I heard an interesting story while waiting for a friend in the hospital. Sonny is from China and he has lived in the Atlanta area for the past three years. About a year ago, his father was dying from colon cancer in China. Before leaving for China to be with his father, Sonny told two … Read more

Book Review: Why Christian Faith Still Makes Sense

Christian apologetics is the logical defense of the Christian faith and Why Christian Faith Still Makes Sense by C. Stephen Evans is one of the best apologetics books I’ve read. In the first half of the book, Evans focuses on explaining the proper role of natural theology. Natural theology seeks to answer the question, “What … Read more

Challenges to Trusting the Bible

The deeper you go into the academic study of the Bible the more you will be exposed to problems, or difficulties, or challenges. Sometimes these problems lead people to leave the field of biblical studies or even abandon their faith. (For an example, see Bart Ehrman’s book Misquoting Jesus.) I admit that the challenges have … Read more

Three Views of Hell

Here are the three major views of hell held by Christians throughout the past 2,000 years. Universal salvation – All will eventually be saved by Christ. In order for all to be saved, some must go through a painful purification process after death. This view was held by two early church fathers—Clement of Alexandria (AD … Read more

Ancient Rhetoric in Romans 1:18–3:20?

In his book, The Deliverance of God, Douglas Campbell argues that Romans 1:18–3:20 should be read as an ancient form of rhetoric, known as prosopopoeia or in modern-day terms, parody. This type of literary device was used in the writings of Plato to show the absurdity of an opponent’s argument. If Campbell’s interpretation is correct, … Read more

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