Maundy Thursday

This is Holy Week for most of Christianity. (Orthodox Christians use the Julian Calendar so they will celebrate Easter on May 5 this year.) Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday commemorates the day when Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and gave them a new command: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love … Read more

“This is my Body”—The Biblical Data Behind the Lord’s Supper

In the history of Christianity, few things have been as contentious as the Lord’s Supper, also known as the Eucharist or Communion. This post will delve into the biblical data behind the Lord’s Supper. The Passover On the night Jesus was betrayed, he started a practice that would continue until the end of time. The … Read more

Drunk, Naked, and Cursing: Noah in Genesis 9

I’m continuing my YouTube series through the book of Genesis. My video making skills are almost non-existent, but I’m trying to make small improvements with each video. It’s really not easy to talk to a camera. I was encouraged to start this project by Mr. Beast, currently the #1 YouTuber in the world with 242 … Read more

“A Word from the Lord” – The Modern-Day Practice of Giving Detailed Life Advice through Prophecy

There is a dangerous practice in Pentecostal or Charismatic Christianity. It is the practice of trying to receive detailed life instructions from the Lord. By detailed life instructions I am referring to instructions regarding everyday life decisions, e.g., marriage, work, finances, location, etc. Often these instructions are given through a prophecy—one person delivering “a word … Read more

The Main Points of Genesis 4:1-16

I recently noticed that my post on Genesis 1-3 has been one of my more popular posts. The post is essentially a list of the main points in Genesis 1-3. I think this shows that making things as simple as possible is helpful. It may also shows the popularity of the Bible’s opening chapters. Here … Read more

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