Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:42-43)
In this exchange what did the criminal on the cross next to Jesus acknowledge?
- Jesus’ royal status – “when you come into your kingdom.” This crucified criminal believed that the man wearing a crown of thorns and hanging on a cross next to him was a king.
- Existence after death – when he made this statement, he knew they would both die soon yet he affirms that Jesus would enter his kingdom and he implies his own continued existence by asking Jesus to remember him. “Remember me” is a request for Jesus to take care of him. The man believed both he and Jesus would still live after they died.
What does Jesus’ promise?
- “Today” – On the same day they were crucified, they would both be transported to another location. Although our physical body is dead, our consciousness or mind or soul lives.
- “You will be with me” – the criminal would be with Jesus. Jesus would not forget him.
- “In paradise” – Paradise is another word for garden, which is reminiscent of the Garden of Eden, humanity’s original home. In the book of Genesis God created Adam and placed him in a garden to take care of it. But after Adam and Eve sinned he banished them from their home in paradise. Jesus is promising a return to the garden.
Imagine these two brutally beaten and crucified men, hanging on to life with their last few breaths. Now imagine them on the same day enjoying paradise together.
Intriguingly, in some near-death experience accounts, people have described seeing a beautiful garden. Here is one account from an NDE study conducted in the UK by Dr. Peter Fenwick and his wife, Elizabeth.
All of a sudden my eyes were drawn to the corner of the bedroom door. A brilliant light appeared – it was taking over my bedroom and as it did so I floated above my body.
This place was amass with beautiful flowers – the perfume from them was very strong – and then Jesus came walking up to me with arms outstretched. (59)
One day all of Jesus’ followers will be with him in paradise.
After graduating from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, I served as a high school Bible teacher in Asia and the U.S. I am passionate about the Bible and Bible related topics. Here’s a link to my books.
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