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- Comments must add to the discussion in the comment section. Do not merely repeat what has already been said or simply affirm someone else’s comment. Repetitive comments will not be approved.
- Comments must be relevant to the blog post. Stick to the topic. If the post is about a biblical topic, your comment and arguments should be based on the Bible. For example, personal claims of what God showed you or told you do not move the discussion forward. Off topic comments will not be approved.
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- Comments should be as concise as possible. Please don’t submit comments longer than 300 words. (You are welcome to send me a lengthy email, but I cannot promise that I will respond to every email. Also, you are always free to start your own blog and write as much as you want on any topic.)
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- After a period of time, all comments may be deleted from a post.
- I reserve the right to modify this comment policy as needed.